‘The Gondoliers’ April 2009

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Winterbourne Community Centre April 20091413402118738screencapture

Director and Choreographer – Maggie Williams

Musical Director- Heather Wren

Winterbourne Musical Theatre bring new life and energy to their Gilbert & Sullivan productions, that is refreshing and hugely enjoyable.

Greeted at the door by all things Italian, (including Ameretti biscuits!), the Front Of House and the auditorium were bedecked in Italian bunting and flags, with the Gondola station and quayside in full view. The overture started with taped music, then was quickly and expertly taken over by the very talented pianist {Katie Robson), who played beautifully for the rest of the evening.

The complicated story unfolded in the capable hands of this company, with some captivating performances – Alan Dove & Pauline March (The Duke and Duchess), Vicky Worgan (Casilda), Tom Harrison (Luiz),Mike Couzins (Don Alhambra) and the wonderful pairing of Mark Beardmore and Tony Worgan who played Marco and Guiseppe with excellent comic timing, strong vocals, superb business and a real understanding of the characters. The addition of Albert & Ethel Higgesthwaite as British tourists, colourful and imaginative costumes, excellent choreography (especially on such a small stage) incorporating some hilarious dummies, plenty of topical input and some lovely touches, such as the Thomas the Tank Engine train set being played with by the lords at the opening of Act 2!, along with the impressive support and enthusiasm from the entire cast, made for a splendid production, that no-one wanted to end!